Got married in JUNE... in FRANCE unfortunately I wasn't able to go. She shared these pictures with me because her photographer has a web site which is totally worth checking out (BTW): Kerridge Weddings. The pictures are awesome.
ALSO this week: I finally finished her THANK YOU cards which was my wedding present for them...I mean it took me long enough geez...I felt so BAD. BUT this summers been crazy...anywayz to stay with the french theme...I did this Merci card. we stuck with the french colors red white and blue. It was simple But I love the pool & red polka dot note cards. It was one of my awesome BUYS at the PS warehouse sale.
This is from the BLOG of the photographer for Yasmin's wedding. Its some of her photos. I wish I was there now....
Yasmin and Michael’s Wedding
Posted in - Weddings, French Weddings on June 13th, 2007
It was off to France last weekend for the wedding of Yasmin and Michael, held at the beautiful Chateau du Rivau near Chinon in the Loire region. It was an action packed day with a Catholic and Jewish ceremony, flamenco dancers, champagne fountain and more …