I wanted to share a few pages I've started on my SMASHbook so far
I'm really lovin the "freedom" to put stuff
I want to keep but normally would throw out in this book!
Like this article I found on the trib of places Anthony Bourdain liked in IL
I'm making this page my "Bucket List" of places to visit :)
This is my "LIKE" page is specific to the Anthro & Free People catalog
I go through the Catalog & cut out the pieces i like before I toss it!
(lots of shoes! LOVE shoes)
I brought my smashbook with me to Canada & I collected some stuff
throughout our way so this is my page so far
I used one of the pages in my Smash pad as a journaling spot
I have a few sets of SMASH pads in Travel, Word of mouth & Entertainment
available @ the ivyPINK shop
Oh & about Canada... here's one of my fave pics
I've never been fishing before...& I know this fish is pretty small
BUT I also caught this lol
YUP! a ginormous turtle! holy moly!!!
don't worry we unhooked him & let him go
I'm sorry you got caught Mr. Turtle :(
and here's a simple travel page I made this week
with some left over stuff from the calendar
Happy Hump day :)
xoxo ivyPINK
oh love the smash book! so cool!
Posted by: gladys | August 05, 2011 at 03:03 AM
you needed to buy some extra smash books for your shop! they are in demand!
love the idea of quick scrapping and sticking tags, receipts & doo-dads on.
poor turtle...
Posted by: ivy | August 04, 2011 at 12:57 AM