A while ago I posted this on the ivyPINK FB Page
Because I learned about this new iPhone app....
Which is a simple application that allows you to add text to pictures
BUT what's even more wonderful about it
is that it allows you to add your own .TTF fonts in the file
That app is called Phonto
Phonto is a FREE app & already comes with about 200 fonts installed
BUT if you are a font geek like me
Of course 200 is simply not enough &
you have to ADD more of "your own FAVE" fonts as well! :)
Here's a simple instruction how to add fonts to Phonto from your PC
1. Hook up your iPhone/iPod/iPad
Once its hooked up, click on your devices
Then click the Apps tab on itunes & it should look like this
2. Scroll down the screen you'll see individual apps like this
Click on the "PHONTO" app
*Once you click on it, the right screen should be blank at 1st
I've already added a few fonts & they are listed on the right hand side
3. Open up your fonts folder
mine is under
Control Panel>Appearances & Personalization>Fonts>
It should look like this:
If you already have the ivyPINK FONT
it will be under "Your Font Regular" (don't know why)
So as you can see on my screen I have the fonts folder open
& the phonto screen right beside it
all you have to do is drag whatever font you want on to the phonto screen
& voila your new font is installed :)
When you open up your Phonto app you'll see the "Your Font" icon
Click on that & you'll be ready to start typing
in your photos with your cute ivyPINK font
Here's some examples of photos with the ivyPINK font
If you don't have the ivyPINK font
it is available in the ivyPINK Etsy shop
Would you guys like to know more about my other iPhone/iPad fave apps?
Let me know & I could do a post on that too :)
Happy Monday!
xoxo ivyPINK
btw, I'm using a mac. can you help ? :)
Posted by: Eileen | November 16, 2012 at 12:48 AM
where yoou download the fonts? i can't. can you help?
Posted by: Eileen | November 16, 2012 at 12:48 AM